Summer Football
Junior Summer Football
During the summer months (Terms 1 & 4 of the school year), the club usually organises 5 aside football.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information.
Summer Football Term 4 2024 – 5 a-side
- Begins Tuesday 15th October
- Finishes Tuesday 3rd December
- Suitable for teams aged 6-8 and 9 and up
- Runs 4:30pm – 5:15pm
- Team registrations due by the end of Friday 4th October
- Registrations & correspondence to Jess Nicholas: juniors@taupofootball.org.nz including the following information:
- Team contact ph number and email address
- Team name
- Team players names and ages
- $80/team. Pay by internet banking to Taupo AFC Account No 03-0430-0248604-000 (reference your team name).
- Teams to supply referees for games
This is a fun competition and we expect good attitudes.
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